Sign-up now for this year's return to the favorite summer spot of Troop 236 -- Wente Scout Reservation! The camp runs from July 13-19 in Willits, CA. Cost and details are all on the calendar event.
Our final troop meeting of the calendar year will be a Gift Exchange. Please bring a wrapped present worth no more than $25. Every Scout who brings a wrapped gift will be able to participate.
During this troop meeting, we will be holding our Annual Thanksgiving Feast at CPC from 7:00 to 8:15 PM.
Let's celebrate Thanksgiving together!
Here is the signup genius in case anyone can help bring anything! We still have a few spaces available.
Our favorite recruiting event of the year: Night Hike at Las Trampas Regional Preserve. We meet at the Ringtail Cat Staging Area, 560 Hemme Ave., Alamo.
If you are attending Wente this summer, a Part C Medical Form is required for Scouts and Adults! This form requires a doctor's exam and signature. This isn't one of the forms we collect at the beginning of your Scout year.